Thursday, July 5, 2012

tom + chee, part deux

i love tom + chee.

i have such a great obsession with this obsession-worthy place.
they make grilled cheese sandwiches that do not fall apart when you dip them in soup.

well, actually,
if you wanted a grilled cheese donut,
they have that too.

if you wanted to combo up your own grilled cheese
"build your own" as they call it,
they have that, as well.

and if you wanted to taste any of the multitude of sandwiches and salads on their menus,
heck, this is the place for you.

good bread.
good cheese
happy customers.

we did, in fact, share
a grilled cheese donut.

tom + chee is famous for this treat
and it was pretty good, i think.

sweet, like glazed donuts are
but cooked like a grilled cheese, so crispy.

the sugar/cheese combo was good
but not crave-inducing.

i'd have it again
but i wouldn't order it right again, methinks.

i paired mine with a great caprese salad
seeing how it was hot as hades outside and steph and i had both just come from yoga.
i needed something light.

she paired her half of grilled cheese yumminess with a grilled mac n cheese w/bacon sandwich
and i about died for her it tasted so great.

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