Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 6: The Departed

Day 6: The Departed

You've seen it, right?
Everyone has.
Except me, obviously.

And now, I have!

I'm gonna have to say, the movie is GREAT.
It's well written, it's well acted (hello Leo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, etc.) and the story has all the elements that tickle audiences everywhere: there's endless parallels, appropriate twists, excellent mirroring, nice action, tongue in cheek events, and a story worth following.

Wahlberg and Leo are both mice in a larger cat-and-mouse game. Because they're both small nobodies, the fact that they've been implemented from opposing organizations as rats for the other is hilarious. I watch it waiting for the explosions, waiting for the fireworks. Boy, oh boy, do they deliver.

Mark Wahlberg got nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role here. I'm glad he didn't win--he's very good, but it's not a Best Supporting Actor role. He's obviously having the most fun with his role, though. He's seamless, he's abrupt, he's brusque, blunt, bold, and so so macho.

He's one-dimensional. But it's awesome. He's not supposed to be very rounded out. It's great! :)

The movie is good. It's pretty great. It didn't change my life or anything, but I watched it in the middle of the day on Sunday (even though it's my Saturday movie.) :)

It's great!

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